– By Bryant Jones
Holliston, MA – This week we’d like to highlight “Putts & More” in Holliston for our Business Spotlight Series. The husband and wife team of Jim and Marion run this beautiful entertainment center. Here is an interview with half owner, Marion Giammarinaro. Putts & More is located at 750 Concord St., Holliston and their website is: https://puttsandmore.com/
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1) What’s your business called & how did you name it?
“Putts & More,” is what we settled on.
2) What does your business do?
A combination of three activities, Mini-golf, a splash pad, and a bounce pad.
3) How many years have you been in business?
Ten years at the same location here in Holliston.
4) Why did you choose your location?
Because my family lives locally here in Ashland, we wanted to live close to our business.
5) What motivates you?
My son motivated us to open this business, we did it for him. He’s on the autistic spectrum and loves landscaping. He needed a place to do his landscaping so this business is a labor of love.
6) What makes your business unique and stand out from other businesses in your industry?
Our customer service is our focus. Either myself or my husband is always here during business hours. We are dedicated and in turn, we have great customers.
7) What’s an interesting fact about your business most people don’t know?
Even after 10 years, no one seems to know we’re here! I can’t tell you how many come in to say they’ve lived in Holliston or Ashland for years without knowing we exist.

8 ) Do you have any advice for new business owners?
Yes, get to know your community, their needs and desires. Then you can meet that need.
Also, narrow down your focus. Going in, we had so many ideas we wanted to do here, but we ended up focusing on just three activities.
9) What could your town do better to support local businesses?
Holliston has been great to us, I don’t think there is anything they could have done better.
10) Which Business Chambers/Associations do you belong to and how have they helped your business?