Town Manager Michael Herbert

Town Manager Michael Herbert’s Newsletter is reposted every Friday from his email:
Hope this week’s newsletter finds you all well!

There are many aspects of my job that I love. But the one that I am most grateful for is the privilege I have leading a group of stellar employees that provide services for the town. The vast majority of them do their jobs with very little if any fanfare, and all of them have learned to do more with less over the years as the town has grown and we have made a concerted effort to improve our infrastructure.

Earlier this morning we had our annual employee recognition awards lunch. During the luncheon, we honor those employees for their various years of service in five-year increments. This year 20 employees earned awards, ranging from numerous five-year awards to one employee with 35 years of service: Terry Capen in the Assessor’s Office. If you encounter one of your town employees, please take a moment to thank them for the work they do. They don’t hear it much and I guarantee it will make their day.

Finally, I want to thank all of you that participated in the festivities this past weekend. When we consolidated so many events in one day, we were not sure if it would be too much or if each event would feed positive energy to another. Clearly it was the latter!

Michael Herbert
Town Manager