MBTA Community Zoning Ashland

Last night the Planning Board was joined by the Select Board for discussions about the MBTA Communities Law and discussion of zoning changes needed to reach compliance. Based on some research from our Planning Department, we learned that the Rail Transit District (RTD) areas of Town, with some slight changes to zoning, could likely bring us into compliance. While there are many things to be said about the way the requirement was brought about, Ashland potentially has a way to be compliant with very modest changes. Reminder, the MBTA Communities Law isn’t about building it is about zoning compliance only. Here is a link to information on the Town website: https://www.ashlandmass.com/1092/MBTA-Communities?fbclid=IwAR1buo3VTSvrSWhHwK9yCDizb0kRbA8enUqBRvjvYiFAteMHzolXdULBYkc

Ashland’s published resources list will grow and a small working group was established to present specific options for review, as well, many other communities have substantial information easily available for review. I hope you will stay informed and participate with discussions on options.